Sunday, March 27, 2016


I am blessed.
I am blessed because today I woke up.
I am blessed that my three girls woke up smiling (even after a late night).
I am blessed my husband loves us so.
I am blessed we all had beautiful clothes to wear to church today.
I am blessed that I was able to worship with my parents this morning at church.
I am blessed that the sun was shining.
I am blessed because I snapped this picture....

I am blessed because in the midst of all my chaos this week, I knew I was cared for.
I am blessed because the Lord above took care of my needs and blessed me with his angel army.
I am blessed because His angels gladly accepted the work He gave them, no questions.
I am blessed because the staff I work with are so caring, kind, and compassionate.
I am blessed because they looked after my youngest knowing that I was not there to do so myself.
I am blessed because they cared for her as they would their own.
I am blessed because they love me.
I am blessed because I am loved.
I am blessed.
I am truly blessed.


  1. Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God has done!

    1. Thank you for your sweet note. Love that you were thinking of me and said a prayer!

    2. So beautiful. I will continue to count and name my blessings to the Lord. God is so Good!

  2. Thanks for sharing all your blessings with us!several remind me of blessings that I, too, have. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  3. Lovely picture and wonderful way to count your blessings! They are always there when we slow down to notice.

    1. I need to do more slowing down so I can see all the goodness He has given to me. :)

  4. Beautiful picture, beautiful family, grateful post. Blessings!

    1. Thank you so much, Chris! I am truly blessed. :)
