Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christmas Lists... Tis' the Season!

At our house, we have been trying to scale down our junk, stuff (this is the nice way of putting it). :)  This has been easy-ish for us since for a few months ago at church the message was about giving to people who don't have as much as you.  We have been trying to reiterate that to our girls because at times, when looking at their playroom you can't even see the floor.  Do you feel me?  I mean sometimes I step and pray I come down on carpet and not a little figurine. 

So, the Christmas season is coming upon us and my girls have been asking to write a Christmas list.  I'm all for the list because it gives many ideas for what to get these girls, but I asked them to wait until I could type one up for them.  I was inspired by this pin I found,


Today we sat down and started talking about Christmas lists.  I asked how many things were enough for a list.  I didn't like the answers.  My oldest said, "Last year I had 16 things on my list!" See why I didn't like that answer?   :)  I came up with this little guy.  Thanks to KG Fonts, Ink 'n Little things for the frame and I'm not sure who I got the Polka Dot background from, so if you know please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due.  :)
  CLICK HERE FOR YOUR COPY or click the picture above. 
It was my hope that they would really think about what they put down on this paper.  I know it's so hard when they see the ads and their eyes grow to be 50x their normal size.  I remember feeling those same things when I was younger too. This is why I gave them 6 wants and not 3.  :)  I just want them to be selective in what's chosen since we've gotten rid of a lot of stuff that was not played with or wanted anymore.  We have given bags to a few charities and it feels great! 
How do you handle Christmas Lists???? 

From our BROWN eyes to yours...

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