Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A New Chapter

How many of you out there are Empty Nesters?  Well... I'm joining your club.... kind of.  I'm now an Empty Carster.  What is that you ask? For the last 10 years (well... 11 if you count the time our oldest daughter was in my belly) I have been driving to the city I teach in with a child in tow.
Our last car ride to school this summer.
For 10 years a DJ.
For 10 years a singer (well.... I like to think of myself as Adele or someone else famous).
For 10 years a car dancer.
For 10 years a conversationalist.
For 10 years a joke teller.
For 10 years a joke receiver.
For 10 years a car teacher to my own children.
For 10 years a discusser of life situations.
For 10 years a prayer over drivers that needed one.
For 10 years a laugher, a crier, a discipliner, an understander.
For 10 years a momma.  A car momma.

I didn't realize this new chapter in my life was going to start so soon. I didn't even see it coming until the end of the last school year.  And now... starting on Friday, I will drop my girls off at the sitter and head to the city I work in.... alone.  I didn't really feel too emotional about it until right now, this very moment.  While I know I'm going to miss the conversations, laughter, singing, and those three little voices in my backseats, this new chapter will give me some time to just be.  Do you know what I mean?  To just be alone.  Quiet or Loud.  It'll be my choice each day as this new chapter begins.


  1. That is a new chapter. I love all the ways you describe your role over the last ten years in the car. I hope the quiet time will feel good, though I am sure it will be an adjustment.

  2. That is a new chapter. I love all the ways you describe your role over the last ten years in the car. I hope the quiet time will feel good, though I am sure it will be an adjustment.

  3. Sweet list.
    And I know what you mean.

  4. I know that feeling. But, it's one you can enjoy for now even if it feels odd. It's the other one that comes much later that's hard to experience. Now, I understand my own mother...
