Today our oldest and I were blessed to do the Colorpolooza Run in Cincinnati. This was a last minute run that came up because friends of our had to leave early for their vacation due to unforeseen circumstances. I didn't know what to expect but we had a BLAST! She said, "I want to do this again next year!"
My mind got to thinking about running. Now, I L.O.V.E running. My family always says I'm crazy and in high school if you would have said I was going to grow up to be a runner I would have laughed. Now... I did run a lot in high school, but for
punishment learning reasons. :) I didn't enjoy long distances and would get stitches in my side anytime I ran longer than a sprint. In my 20's (did I just say that?!? I know I'm midway through my 30's but it makes me sound REALLY old) I developed a love for running when I finished playing volleyball. I've run a marathon, lots of half marathons, 5k's and 10k's. I find that I'm a better thinker, mother, wife, friend, sister, etc, when I'm running. There is something about getting into that zone where you just feel like you can run FOREVER. I love that feeling. The runner's high. Anyway..... On Thursday as I was pushing our middle and youngest in the jogger, I started thinking about all the conversations we've had putting miles in. All of our kiddos have been on countless little runs and 10 (or more) mile runs in the jogger so we've had lots of time to talk about everything. When I say everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING, from the beauty we find in God's world to stealing, treating our things and others with care, people who do or do not ride bikes and motorcycles with helmets on, flowers, trees, favorite and not-so-favorite things, and goose poop. This list could go on and on.
I started to feel really sad as I looked down and saw our middle who still fits in "her side", but I know this is probably our last year as a double jogger family. Who would have guessed that the investment we made more than 5 years ago would be an investment to build strength in our mother-daughter relationship. I thought I was investing in a contraption that would allow me to exercise with children, but it was so much more than a stroller. It was a vehicle. A vehicle for our relationship. The Lord blessed me with time. Extra time with my girls, more conversations that I pray will have begun shaping them into the women they will grow up to be. I hope our runs not only instill that exercise is important, but so is the beauty that the world has to offer us. That our Lord has blessed us with another day to share with each other.
I'm sure next year we will start to think about selling or giving away our jogger. It makes me teary-eyed just thinking about that moment, but I know as it was a vehicle for our relationship I know another family will benefit from the love that this jogger has to offer.
From our
Brown eyes to yours....