Last week the stomach bug decided to bite our little ladies. It started with our youngest who decided to toss her cookies on Thursday at 4:50 am!!!! Thankfully, we were already off school for that day or that would have been a MESS. Trying to throw together last minute plans, trying to get my other two ladies to school. As I said, thankfully we were already off so that saved a sick day. She didn't vomit anymore throughout the day, so we were lucky. It's hard to keep a 3 year old down. :)
Then came Thursday night....... I had just gone to bed around 11. At 11:45 our middle woke up and had to go to the bathroom. So I got her tucked back in and she asked me to sleep with her. Well, that wasn't happening because I had to go to work on Friday and I had Active Shooter Training in the morning. Well.... at 12:10 she began tossing her cookies in.her.bed. Which did I mention was on the TOP BUNK?! So I stripped the bed, gave her a shower, set her up with the "Puke Bucket" and lots of towels surrounding her. :) This poor lady was put through the ringer. She threw up for 7 hours, every 20 minutes (sometimes 10)!!!! After about 4 hours, I called our doctor who said we needed to ride it out. BOO!
Here is the whole point to this post. Here's a picture of our "Puke Bucket".
I L.O.V.E. the bucket! Our oldest two are awesome at using this guy (when they aren't stuck on the top bunk). :) So here's what I do. I take one of the bagillion plastic bags we have in our closet and put it in the bucket. When our middle was vomiting so often I double bagged it. Then, after our kiddo is finished, I just take the bag, tie it and throw it in the trash. VOILA! This means I'm not spending time washing and drying the bucket each time. :)
I hope this makes the next time your little gets the "pukies" (what our youngest calls it) you can spend time comforting your baby instead of cleaning the "Puke Bucket". :) Oh, and yes.... we were called to get our oldest from school as she was also bitten by the Puke Bug. YUCK!
From our BROWN eyes to yours...
Smart tip!