Finally! Our youngest FINALLY was able to go to preschool this week! I never thought she'd make it there since it seems the universe was not very happy she was going. She was supposed to start last Tuesday. Well... we had a snow day, then Wednesday...1 hour delay. Thursday... no school. (Which is ok because she ended up tossing her cookies in the morning, so she wouldn't have gone anyway.) Then this week came about. Monday no school.. waiver day (I still had to work), Tuesday... snow day (well...freezing temperature day) and Wednesday 1 hour delay. However, this week they had preschool with the hour delay, so she was able to start!!!! She was so excited. I'm not sure if she was more excited to go to school or to wear her Super Girl shirt there. :)

Looking up at her teacher.

No jitters for her!
She was so sweet when I went downstairs to get her (yes, she gets to go in my building!:) ) she said, "Mommy, I learned!" Melt.
Kind of surreal knowing she's our last little one and ALL our girls are in school now. Not sure how I feel about it, but I'm glad the universe FINALLY made it's peace with it. :)
From our
BROWN eyes to yours.....
Love how you captured that look up!