I kept going round and round about my word for this year since I know I fell a little short at living up to the expectation of my OLW from last year. My first word I thought was going to be "it" was surrender. But then I started to think... and think..... and think. So with all that thinking, it wasn't the word for me. Then, I was thinking about the book I need to start reading. It's called The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee. And that word jumped out at me. Dare. I'm going to work this word this year.
I'm going to Dare to:
be happy
try new things
spark love and excitement with my hubby
be supportive
see Jesus in all the people I come in contact with
be creative
write more
blog more
be spontaneous
be a supportive momma
be an example
point out important qualities in my girls
give compliments
experience life
enjoy the small moments
be still
listen to the quiet
try new foods
eat better
be positive
My list continues to grow, now I just need your help to keep on daring me to do things.
What a challenge to keep on daring oneself to "do". Your dares are actions, and that is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteI love your word! We could all use a few more dares in our lives! I'm looking forward to seeing where this year and your dares take you. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteDare is one of the words that has been on my list almost every year. I have not, yet, dared to choose it. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown is one of my favorite books. Your OLW choice is super. Go girl!
ReplyDeleteFabulous word, Maria!
ReplyDeleteYour list is inspiring and brave and WONDER-FULL!
I'm so excited for you!
Great word Maria! Love you!!