Each night we've also been reading Heaven is For Real.
Have you read it? I am reading it with all our girls although our oldest seems to be the most interested. Back story.... When my grandma passed away in March, I didn't know how or what I would say to our girls. So I went to the Family Christian Bookstore and they suggested a few books. Heaven is for Real for Kids
is one of the books she suggested. It was PERFECT for my little ones. It is about Colton Burpo, a child who went to heaven when he was dangerously sick with a burst appendix. The way the book is written is VERY child friendly and gives children a view into heaven from a child who has been there. Our oldest immediately wanted to read Heaven is For Real. I have been enjoying it just as much as she has. Anyway... we are on a chapter where they talk about how Jesus REALLY loves children. Colton keeps repeating this and his father who is a pastor, talks about how Jesus wants us to have a childlike faith. When watching our youngest at this prayer service, I saw it. There was no, "What is everyone else doing? What if someone sees me?" She was just in the moment of praying through song. It was beautiful. And I only hope that I can loose myself a little and love and pray with a childlike faith.
From our BROWN eyes to yours,
Oh my. Yes, what a beautiful moment!