This has just been one of those weeks for me. Our lives, since last week actually, have gotten crazy busy. And this week has been no different. I've been trying so hard to get my kids to listen to me at home and at school. It just seems like no one listens to me. I don't know if it's the sound of my voice, the tone, maybe it's just that my voice is so annoying, no one wants to listen.
Here's the proof.... My husband and I were folding laundry (I know sounds glamorous). While we were folding, I was talking to him about how I'm tired of no one listening to me and I was getting really frustrated. Then, he asked me which daughter a pair of purple pants belonged to. I gave him the answer and went on folding. You'll never believe this.... He asked me again who the pants belonged to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I said, "My point has been proven." He was laughing so hard he was crying and then three little ladies scurried into the room because they wanted to know what was happening. I gave them the low down and then we were all laughing. It was a great moment, but I'm still waiting for someone to listen to me. ;)
From my brown eyes to yours....